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About the Creator


GoVeganBeDope was created by Valerie Martin......


A proud Vegan herself, Martin wants more people to see just how exciting and delicious Vegan food is! In November  2017, what began as something temporary, turned out to be a complete lifestyle change. 


“My Mission is to simply promote Healthy Eating. Healthy eating does not equate to boring food without any Va-Va-Voom! Especially, Vegan Food! Vegan Cuisine is ever-changing and constantly evolving to unimaginable heights! I'm here to tell you, Vegan Food is Fun, Delicious, and, Decadent to boot! 


With a 20+ year background in Accounts Payable & Accounts Receivable, being an advocate for Veganism was the last thing I expected to be doing right now.  However, I am a firm believer in making your passion your job. It's like they all say, “When you do what you love you’ll never work a day in your life. I really believe that because I am now, living it.”   


- V.Martin








Pile of Books

Why Vegan?

    "I initially switched to a Vegan diet after a friend encouraged me to try it with him for a few weeks. At first, I thought about it for a little bit, as I could not imagine parting ways with meat. I mean, No Lamb, No Steak? No Cheese? No Eggs? IMPOSSIBLE!! A few weeks later, I watched the documentary, What the Health and My life was changed in an instant. I haven't looked back, since.


Three months into my Vegan journey, I did even more research on Veganism, exploring all the myths and truths behind the foods we eat. Those findings horrified me. Changing what I ate as a whole, was probably 1 of best decisions I could’ve made.  


Self-care is about more than beauty & being pampered. It's also about being mindful of the things we put inside our bodies. Healthy Eating, is the very definition of self-care."












my 10 yr old Doberman, getting her beauty rest_edited_edited.jpg

My 12 year old Doberman, Ruth, getting her beauty


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Thank you for your Support!

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